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Euthyrox 25mcg 1 Tablet

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Generic Name:
Levothyroxine Sodium

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Euthyrox 25mcg 1 Tablet


Euthyrox 25mcg 1 Tablet


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For this product, a doctors prescription is required. Please do not forget to attach a copy of your valid prescription (.jpeg,bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, jpe, jif, jfif,
jfi, png, wbmp, xbm, tiff format). After you have placed your order, our pharmacist will be in touch to confirm your order and validate your prescription.
Please present the original copy of your prescription upon the arrival of your order.
Brand Name Euthyrox
Generic Name Levothyroxine Sodium
Strength 25mcg
Dosage Form Tablet
Class Name Endoc & Metabolic System
Indication/Usage Treatment of benign euthyroid goiter in patients with normal thyroid function
  Prophylaxis of relapse after surgery for euthyroid goiter, depending on the postoperative hormone status.
  Substitution therapy in hypothyroidism (to replace natural thyroid hormones, when the thyroid gland does not produce enough).
  Suppression therapy in thyroid cancer (to suppress tumor growth in patients with thyroid cancer).
  Applies only to 25 mcg, 50 mcg and 100 mcg Tablets: Concomitant therapy during anti-thyroid medicinal treatment of
  hyperthyroidism (to balance thyroid hormone levels when overproduction of thyroid hormones is treated with antithyroid
  Applies only to 100 mcg and 150 mcg Tablets: Diagnostic use for thyroid suppression testing (testing of thyroid function).
Dosage and Administration Benign euthyroid goiter 75-200 mcg/day.
  Prophylaxis of relapse after surgery for euthyroid goiter 75-200 mcg/day.
  Substitution therapy in hypothyroidism (to replace natural thyroid hormones, when the thyroid gland does not produce enough).
  Adult Initial dose: 25-50 mcg/day. Maintenance dose: 100-200 mcg/day.
  Children Initial dose: 12.5-50 mcg/day. Maintenance dose: 100-150 mcg/m2 body surface.
  Suppression therapy in thyroid cancer 150-300 mcg/day.
  Concomitant supplement action during antithyroid drug treatment of hyperthyroidism 50-100 mcg/day.
  Diagnostic use for thyroid suppression testing 100 mcg Wk 1 & 2 prior to test: 200 mcg/day.
  150 mcg Wk 3 & 4 prior to test: 75 mcg/day. Wk 1 & 2 prior to test: 150 mcg/day.
  Should be taken on an empty stomach: Take 30 min before breakfast.
Warning and Precautions Thyroid hormones should not be given for weight reduction.
  Avoid drug-induced hyperthyroidism in patients w/ coronary insufficiency, heart failure & tachycardiac arrhythmias.
  Not recommended for hyperthyroid metabolic states.
  Close monitoring of thyroid function in postmenopausal women w/ hypothyroidism & risk of osteoporosis is recommended.
  Galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  Coadministration w/ orlistat. Pregnancy & lactation. Elderly.
Contraindication Hypersensitivity. Untreated adrenal & pituitary insufficiency, untreated thyrotoxicosis, acute MI, acute myocarditis/pancarditis.
  Combination therapy w/ anti-thyroid agent for hyperthyroidism during pregnancy.
Requires prescription? Yes
Storage Conditions Store at temperatures not exceeding 30°C.
  Protect from light.
Manufacturer Merck, Inc.
Regulatory Classification RX (Prescription Required )

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