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Betadine Throat Spray 50mL

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Betadine Throat Spray 50mL

Brand Name BETADINE® 0.45% Throat Spray 50mL
Generic Name Povidone-Iodine
Contents Each mL contains:
Povidone Iodine (Betadine), 4.5mg equivalent to 0.45 mg iodine
Indication/Usage For the treatment of acute mucosal infections of the mouth and pharynx including stomatitis, gingivitis, aphthous ulcers, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, monilial infections, common colds and influenza. For oral hygiene prior to, during and after dental and oral surgery. For fast and soothing relief of sore throat.
Direction for Use Spray to the mucous membrane of the throat several times a day (every 3-4 hours) or as directed by your doctor
Warning and Precautions Keep out of reach of children. Not to be used in children below 6 years old. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

SIDE EFFECTS: Rarely, hypersensitivity/allergic skin reaction in the form of itchiness, redness and small blisters.
Drug Interaction Octenidine containing antiseptics in the same or adjacent sites may lead to transient dark discolorations in the areas involved. 
Manufacturer Interphil Laboratories Inc.

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